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Culture Matters

Strategize, Ignite, and execute your organizational transformation

Create a strong company culture

Your competitive advantage

Post pandemic, the world continues to change, is your culture keeping up?

A strong company culture is your competitive advantage. A study found that “46 percent of EBIT is explained by the variable of corporate culture, or cultural ‘buy-in’.

Linceis’ REAL CulturalFitness™ Assessment and Methodology provides a cultural roadmap to build a stronger company culture that inspires retention. Your company culture is the heart and spirit of your organization.

The corporate performance improves when everyone in your organization understands, lives, and breathes your cultural values. 

Culture Results

Cultural Exploration

We start by understanding the aspiration, cultural, and values of our clients.  We want a clear picture of cultural intention, vision, and potential.  We work with our clients using REAL CulturalFitness Assessment to help determine the alignment and misalignment between the current reality and the vision. By measuring and understanding the human needs that are being met or not met and how those needs generate behavioral alignment or misalignment, we help organizations improve how culture is lived daily. 

Cultural Exploration
Culture Report

REAL CulturalFitness™ Results

What's unique:

  1. When the assessment closes, leaders have immediate access to REALCulturalFitness results.

  2. We can set-up cross-functional teams to measure cultural performance down the organization and across the organization.

  3. Organizational leaders receive a roadmap that helps close the gaps and strengthens culture for the future.

Cultural Strengthening

Upon completion of REAL CulturalFitness™ leaders have immediate access to:

  1. Their cultural impact and performance.

  2. Results by leader, level, and cross-functional teams.

  3. Data analytics: Mean, standard deviation, regression analysis.

  4. A roadmap to strengthen the culture and close the gaps.

  5. Resources for learning: articles, videos, team, and behavioral recommendations.

Organizations can choose to release the results of the REAL CulturalFitness™ Assessment or roll-out the results on a customized timeline.  Allowing leaders to access their results, they can use the data to immediately share the results, resources, and tools with their teams and being to strengthen their teams.  Additionally, we provide team consulting and coaching services to ensure leaders can enable change. 

Culture Results
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Cultural transformation results from executives, leaders, and managers using the tools to make REAL CulturalFitness™ part of business as usual. Leaders can run their own pulse surveys to ensure progress. Our methodology includes running quarterly pulses determined by the roadmap to help strengthen the culture. Every quarter, leaders work to develop another aspect of culture, thereby transforming the team, culture, and performance. 


Are you ready for a lasting change?

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